Inline PHP – plugin that let you excute PHP code inside the post/page

For future reference Inline PHP is the best one I have tested (on version 2.9 – even though currently it is not “approved” for 2.9). However when switching to visual all of the <exec> and </exec> tags disappear and all that is left is the code raw and fragile. I tested the following code: <exec>… Continue reading Inline PHP – plugin that let you excute PHP code inside the post/page

WordPress user registration plugin – where is the Typo3 counterpart?

I have spent a large portion of today fighting the good fight with Typo3. Typo3 won the battle. I am sure if I knew what I am doing it would have been an easy task, but since I am still fumbling with that CMS, it was very hard and didn’t yield anything like what I… Continue reading WordPress user registration plugin – where is the Typo3 counterpart?

Screenshots generators

I really don’t know what happened to It seems pretty dead, which is really sad since it was a great way to see how websites I worked, look on platforms I was not very likely to be accessing in RL. Oh, well. I found that Adobe is offering similar service (although not as extensive… Continue reading Screenshots generators

Typo3 tutorials

I think this one has good potential: Off to sink or swim…

WordPress CMS adventures – Part 1

I am working on a WordPress CMS site. It would be lovely I am sure… Here are a list of links I am working with:

JSON Links

Here are some JSON related articals and links: Summary:  The use of JavaScript code to add interactivity to your data-driven Web applications is hot nowadays. If you can encode your data as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), you’ll simplify its use with the JavaScript language. Discover different approaches that use XSLT V2 to generate JSON… Continue reading JSON Links

Categorized as Ajax, JSON

Think before you post

There are a few ad campaigns geared toward teenagers about how information posted online is there forever,  and can be seen by everybody. I really liked these two posted on YouTube Think Before You Post  & Everyone Knows Your Name And for the record, I really did think before I posted this one….