Oh, what joy. Ingrid Sundberg, an illustrator created a color thesaurus! http://ingridsundberg.com/2014/02/04/the-color-thesaurus/
Category: user interface
Flipping Typical saved the day
I am not sure what causes Adobe suite to go bonkers when I try to change my typed text’s fonts. I suspect it has to do with the insane amount of fonts I have accumulated in a few different languages. I found: flippingtypical.com It lets you preview all (most/more than Photoshop/Illustrator are will to deal with), … Continue reading Flipping Typical saved the day
Aaarg! Newsletter coding
I have just remembered a discussion I had with a colleague over 10 years ago. I told him HTML was really easy. And he asked, if it is so easy, how come our company can’t find somebody to fill an open position in our UI team. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I… Continue reading Aaarg! Newsletter coding
Vector Graphics to Social Media Icons
I really wanted to Facebook “like” this page, but ironically they don’t provide a link. So here is my own like link: icondock.com/free/vector-social-media-icons
Free Fonts Saved the Day
I was trying to match a font on a banner on one of the websites I work on. First I tried to identify the font by submitting the image to MyFonts’ WhatTheFont tool, but that gave me less satisfactory results. At that point I used the identifontsite by answering questions about the text available on… Continue reading Free Fonts Saved the Day
Interesting Web UI articles
I am pretty sure that AlertBox will be an important site to keep track of. Thank you Mike for posting this link to your Facebook Page.